Este máster no se impartirá a partir del curso 2022/23
The Master in Advanced Training of Early Childhood and Primary Education Teachers is a training program that tries to respond to the current needs of the scientific-professional sector of education and has as main purposes: a) to train and train professionals to acquire a set of competencies that allow them to develop, lead and evaluate innovative educational projects in classroom educational contexts related to some area of specific didactics; b) provide research training that helps ensure continued development of knowledge in the field of education.
This Master provides the necessary training to enable the accreditation of specialized professional profiles in the field of early childhood and primary education (according to the legislation that regulates the education sector in Catalonia ENS / 1128/2016, April 26).
This postgraduate training is developed through a blended modality, with a total of 60 ECTS: 30 ECTS are compulsory and the other 30 ECTS correspond to the specific specialty that is decided to take. The following diagram shows the academic itinerary of the Master: